Academics Learn more about the subjects we teach at Unity.

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All courses at Unity Christian High School follow the Ontario Curriculum and can be used towards the Ontario High School Diploma (OSSD). All our subjects are integrated with a Christian view of God and the world. Course offerings are subject to change from year to year, depending on interest. For an updated list of courses offered this year please refer to the school’s course calendar, or view our course selection sheets.

Find out just what it takes to be a Unity graduate.


Graduate Profile

Desired educational outcomes for the Unity graduate.

  • Are able to say and practice: “In Christ, all things hold together”(Col. 1:17)
  • Are thankful for, and respectful of, God’s creation and gifts
  • Are flexible, adaptable, and resilient
  • Are critical thinkers with  problem-solving skills, that allow them to reason effectively and make wise judgments
  • Communicate effectively, clearly articulating ideas and thoughts in a variety of forms and contexts
  • Apply past knowledge to new situations, are creative and innovative, willing and able to take risks and display a strong work ethic
  • Engage in culture and culture-making through such areas as politics, the arts, the world of ideas and the world of business
  • Find joy in situations by seeing things from a different or unique vantage point.
  • Are grounded in a Biblical worldview which enables them to articulate and act upon God’s call to serve Him in all areas of their lives
  • Are prepared for further education, training, employment or opportunities that fit their skill and abilities
  • Are continuous life-long learners
  • Take initiative, are self-directed (independently managing projects and producing results), do honest self-assessments and act upon those self-assessments
  • Persevere and strive for clarity and precision
  • Collaborate effectively and creatively in diverse teams, being responsible for and to others, exercising appropriate flexibility toward a common goal
  • Participate in, and contribute their time and resources to their local and greater communities

Download Your Program Brochure "Believe, Belong and Thrive" is the Unity slogan. Download our brochure to learn how you can become part of our Christian community.

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