Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Diplomas offered at Unity Christian High School

Diplomas are an indication of work accomplished. Earning these diplomas, shows that you have worked hard! Enrollment at Unity requires you to be working to achieve all the requirements of two diplomas.

Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Under the regulations of the Ministry, in order to achieve an OSSD, any student entering grade 9 must:

  • Earn a minimum of 30 credits, including:
    • 18 Compulsory credits.
    • 12 Optional credits.
  • Complete 40 hours of community involvement activities (volunteer hours)
  • Successfully complete the secondary school literacy test (OSSLT) administered in the grade 10 year, or successfully complete the Grade 12 Literacy course.
  • Earn the following credits:
    • 4 English (1 credit per grade)
    • 1 French as a second language
    • 3 Mathematics (at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)
    • 2 Science
    • 1 Canadian geography (Grade 9)
    • 1 Canadian history (Grade 10)
    • 1  Arts
    • 1 Physical and health education
    • 0.5 Civics
    • 0.5 Career studies
    •  Three additional credits consisting of one credit form each of the following groups:
    • 1  (Group 1) additional credit in English (including the OSSLC), or French as a second language**, or a Native language, or a classical or international language, or social science and the humanities, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or cooperative education***
    • 1 (Group 2) additional credit in health and physical education, or the arts, or business studies or French as a second language, or cooperative education***
    • 1 (Group 3) additional credit in Grade 11 or 12 science, or technological education, or French as a second language** or computer studies or cooperative education***

**In groups 1, 2 and 3, a maximum of 2 credits in French as a second language can count as additional compulsory credits, one from group 1, and one from either group 2 or group 3.

*** A maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as additional compulsory credits, selected form any of Groups 1, 2 or 3   

Unity Christian High School Diploma

Graduates Will Have:

  1. Successfully completed a “Senior Project” and presented it to the community (of peers, staff, and/or community members).
  2. Contributed to a GRADUATE PORTFOLIO (binder), which should include various materials, including some of the following:
    • Demonstration of serving God
    • Media awareness project
    • Senior Project
    • Position paper on chosen issue/topic
    • Personal world-and-life view paper
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • Career plans
    • Letters of recommendation and reference
    • Involvement in school activities
    • Out of school experience
    • Awards and scholarships
  3. Been involved in at least two (2) co-curricular activities.
  4. Completed three (3) credits of FAITH AND LEARNING courses (Worldview Gr. 9, Bible Gr. 10, and Challenge and Change in Society Gr. 12).
  5. Completed at least forty (40) hours of UNITY FOR CHRIST Service Learning, as per OSSD requirements.
  6. Participated in all Unity Retreat and Service Days unless excused by Administration.

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